SHAREit is the fastest file transfer tool for cross-platform devices.Share all kinds of files whenever and wherever.It's 200 times Bluetooth speed with no need of USB and internet. More than 400 million users from about 200 countries have chosen the app as their handy tool. It can be used on Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows, and Mac.


◆ No need for network.
◆ Speed can up to 20M/s, 200 times faster than Bluetooth.
◆ Transfer files cross mobile phones, tablets, desktops, Android, iPhone & Windows Phone.
◆ Easy, simple, and fast.
◆ Replicate contacts, messages, music, video, apps and other data from one phone to another.
With SHAREit, you can transfer any file format: apps, games, photo, movie, music and documents. No charge for mobile data, network or cables. You can also share your files with multiple people - group sharing is easy and instant. SHAREit supports cross-platform sharing from Android, iOS, Windows Phone, PC to Mac.