Is a virtual personal assistant developed by Google Inc, Google Assistant enables users to get access to her with just one tap. Press and hold the home button of your phone and say, “Hey Google.” to get her. Google Assistant is compatible with iOS, Android, and those smart home devices.
Google Assistant will answer the questions you asked her. Aside from that, she can remind users to finish their to-do lists like sending somebody a gift for the birthday, make calls for an appointment and more. You can use it anytime, anywhere you like. Google Assistant will be there if you need help.


What can Google Assistant do?
• Text to someone some messages
• Make a phone call instantly
• Help people set some reminders of something
• Create a calendar event
• Push weather information for users
• Direct people to some place via navigation
• Let people get update with the latest news
• Open their favorite music
• Take a selfie
Released on May 18, 2016, Google Assistant has served users for almost two years. It was once published as part of the unveiling of the Google Home smart speaker. Google CEO Sundar Pichai once explained that the assistant was designed in two-way conversations. It was an excellent experience which extends to different devices. Later, the leader of Google hired former Pixar animator Emma Coats to make Google Assistant be personalized.
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