Developed by Booking.com Hotel Reservations, Booking.com Hotel Deals app helps users to find great deals on hotels, apartments, and more in over 200 countries with detailed descriptions and high-quality photos for reference. By a single tap, it will show you the highest-rated hotels nearby available for tonight.
Booking.com is originally an E-commerce Hotels & Accommodation Booking Website designed for people who love to travel. There are over 800,000 properties, millions of hotel and rooms all around the world for travelers to explore. Also, you can see reviews from over 50 million guests before placing an order. Booking.com also has a no-cancellation, pay later option on some specific hotel rooms which is convenient for people who's short on money when placing the orders.


ღ Over 1,100,000 hotels, motels, apartments and more to choose from
ღ Search by city, hotel name, landmark nearby & Filter by price, rating, WiFi, and other aspects
ღ Find great deals and discounts on all kinds of hotels
ღ Check out the ratings and customer reviews before you order a hotel
ღ Get e-confirmation and offline maps
ღ Add your hotel information to the calendar
ღ 24/7 customer service by phone or email if anything happens
ღ Available in 40 different languages
ღ By signing in to your Booking.com account, your personal information, previous searches ,orders and others will be synced between your computer, smartphone and tablet.
Pros & Cons
● Great deals on all types of accommodations including hotels, apartments, B&Bs, and hostels in more than 200 countries.
● The Booking.com account is accessible from your computer, tablet, and smartphone.
● Booking.com offers you Secret Deals which are often half-price hotels or other accommodations with great discounts.
● Offline Booking confirmation and maps.
● The no-cancellation, pay later option makes it convenient for some people.
● Booking.com doesn’t include taxes when listing prices which might cause inconvenience and misunderstanding.
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