Audiobooks from Audible saves you plenty of time to enjoy the beauty of books if you don’t have too much time to read. Listen to books while you’re walking, running, bathing even cooking in the kitchen.
You can listen to various stories and novels from best sellers to classic ones when your eyes are too busy to read. The app allows you to transfer books form computer to mobile over Wi-Fi.


And you can go to the inside store to buy more audiobooks. Besides, users can sync books between devices and customize reading habit. You can also tap a piece of words to copy. The newest version of Audiobooks gives support to Android Marshmallow.
About Audiobooks
➠ Enjoy books in a brand new way and make stories come alive.
➠ More productive. Transform the things you like into listening ones.
➠ Listen with free Audiobooks app on your mobile phone or tablet anytime, anyplace.
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Audio perfect compliment to my kindles
by DelilahGetting very accustomed to having audio when just don't feel like visually reading. Sometimes the narrator can be iffy but most are fairly good. I hang my device around my neck and listen while I clean with headphones to keep from disturbing anyone else. Learned how to go back to relisten to missed parts . Now I am happy as a pig in slop.
Beautiful, full-featured app
by DAVIDThank you for adding x2 listening speed! Everything that was lacking in the W8 app is fixed with the W10 app. It's very easy to search, download, and shop. The suggestions are great. I hope they keep up this trend.
Depois de muito tempo, corrigiram tudo!
by KelpsO aplicativo era muito instável até antes da versão 9, que foi lançada em março de 2015 (primeiro update desde de o lançamento a quase 2 anos). A versão 9 finalmente corrigiu os problemas e tornou o ato de ouvir audiobooks mais tranquilo e produtivo. Estou usando essa versão desde quando lançaram o beta e não tive mais NENHUM dos problemas que tinha antes de travamento, crash, demora de minutos para iniciar o aplicativo/áudio e perda de posição que forçava a fazer bookmarks antes de qualquer pausa. Agora, mais do que nunca, eu recomendo o Audible para Windows Phone! Estou mudando minha nota de 2 para 5 estrelas graças ao update. Espero que dessa vez o aplicativo seja mantido atualizado e não demore 2 anos para receber updates novamente.
First App I am Glad to Have
by BrettI have always avoided apps on desktop computers. I hated the idea in windows 8/8.1, and I was glad to get away from it with Windows 10, but Audible is a great app. It snappy, has a streamlined and logical interface, and everything about it just works. Imagine that, something that just works. I have long been a fan of Amazon and their products, and Audible is a great resource for audio books. Prices are reasonable, especially when you get things on sale. The interface between my Audible Windows app, my phone app, and my Echo is perfect. Everything picks up right where I left off. 5/5 Stars. It's perfect.
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